What We Do

FANQ works to provide support and assistance to bolivian children victims of severe burns.

What We Do

FANQ works to provide support and assistance to all children to all children victims of severe burns. They are treated in Bolivia, then taken to United States. The care they receive in Shriners Hospital for children in Galveston, Texas is completely free of change for the patient and lasts up to their 18th birthday. During the time of care, FANQ handles all the paperwork from the beginning of the child’s treatment in Bolivia to the admission into the Shriners Hospital.

The funds are destined to:

  • Purchase of air plane tickers for the children and the parent or guardian.
  • Payment of the paperwork and documentation needed in Bolivia.
  • Payment of food at the hospital and lodging (Ronald’s McDonalds House) or hotel in Galveston, Texas.
  • Economic support to the children’s parents at the time to return to Bolivia.


We work to help and support children who are severe burn victims so they can be tended to in Bolivia and moved to the U.S. The medical attention received at Shriners Hospitals for Children—Galveston, is completely free of charge for the patient and extends up to the patient’s 18th birthday.

We take care of all the formalities and expenses throughout the duration of medical attention from the initial treatment in Bolivia, to the move to the U.S., to admittance to the hospital in Galveston and the annual visits scheduled by the Hospital for the necessary ongoing treatment. Since the recovery for burns is a fairly long process.


Our organization gets its funding through fundraising events, activities, and generous donations from members of the Bolivian community in Houston. We also receive donations from businesses, corporations, and institutions. This also includes any North American citizen dedicated to this humanitarian cause.


¡Gracias a nuestras generosas donaciones individuales!

El Fondo de Ayuda para Niños Quemados o FANQ, es una organización sin fines de lucro de acción conjunta. Cumplimiento de un grupo de voluntarios bolivianos residentes en la ciudad de Houston, que trabajan para brindar apoyo a los niños bolivianos que han sido víctimas de quemaduras graves.